COVID-19 Reminders Keeping the WorkPlace Safe Preventative Actions at ACS
In addition to the Government of Ontario workplace guidelines, mandates & recommendations. ACS has implemented the following preventative actions: All door handles, kitchen area and bathrooms sanitized throughout the day.

Daily morning front office sanitizing which includes:
- Wash & Sanitize Hands First
- Front and middle door handles
- South office door handle, board room door handle, switches, tables
- Northwest office door handle
- Northeast office door handle, switches, toolbox handles
- Kitchen door handle, switches, microwave, fridge, tables
- Washroom door handle, switches, and toilet paper dispenser
- Shop floor door handles, Office table, telephone, computers, printers, switches, women’s washroom door handle, switches, toilet paper dispensers
Daily morning Shop Floor sanitizing which includes:
- Wash & Sanitize Hands First
- Bolter air gun, runner weld air gun, manual Bender / Vice, right sink / door air out handle
- Quality room door handle / countertop / table / height gauge / shadowgraph,
- Northeast door handle, shop floor door handle / time clock, tool room counter (Sanitizer Station) and door handle, left sink / sanitizers / door air out handle
- Kitchen upstairs / table / counter / microwave / fridge / railing
- Washroom’s door handle / urinal / toilet / wall latch / toilet paper dispenser bench, 6 drill presses – handles / on & off switch, vibra – on & off switch, 3 Grinders, 3 pump trucks, 2 presses, big bandsaw, forklift, back door, scale, shred door handle (3 handles)

- Sanitizers / Spray in common Areas Such as Computers & Kitchens
- Social Distance & Masks Reinforce Message
- Mask, hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes in company truck
- Doors locked. No outsider admittance to our facility
Masks and Health Canada approved; 70% alcohol sanitizer provided at all workstations in the plant & all desks in the office - Internal sales & production meetings held via Zoom
Masked, social distancing of 6′ for all employees
Covid health and safety reminders in common areas & on all doors - When possible, employees work remotely and physical visits to customers and suppliers not allowed at this time
Workplace Safe Preventative Measures
- Hand sanitizing stations located at front office and toolroom window
- Employee and visitors’ temperatures taken & recorded every morning
- Minimize visitation of suppliers and vendors to an absolute necessary
- Visitor Covid-19 questionnaire
- Temperature check for all visitors
- Washroom and Kitchen use for employees only
- Courier strict delivery without close contact. Couriers have a designated pick up & drop off area in our vestibule
- Always use of safety glasses mandatory on the floor
- Use of mask mandatory
- Please sanitize your hands when entering the front office and shop floor
- Front Office Meetings Via Zoom
- Office with no more than 3 persons
- Courier Packages between front doors
- Front Interior Door Locked
- Sign “Please Call” – Do not Enter
- Front Office – Individual Utensils and Drawers
- Dishes & Cups Individual Clean up
- Sign “Kitchen and Washroom for employees only
- Chain Back Entrance – Outsiders not allowed beyond that point
- Plexi Glass Guard Implemented on Front offices